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Civic Feline Clinic

Cat laying on its back, stretching with its paws up in the air.


General Wellness

paw plans cat

PAW Plans

PAW Plans provides your cat with preventive care to ensure a safe and happy life. 

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A cat on a table having teeth examined by a veterinarian


Most of us spend time grooming, feeding and playing with our cats but we might not spend much time brushing their teeth.  Your cats’ oral health is an important part of their overall well-being.  We recommend annual oral exams to evaluate your friends’ teeth and gums and to make recommendations to deter and delay the onset of periodontal disease, as well as to treat existing problems.

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A woman feeding a fluffy cat outside

Diet & Nutrition

Proper diet and nutrition can help your pet fight against disease, maintain a proper weight, and promote the overall well-being of your pet.

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Cat sitting on a table being looked at by vet

Parasite Control (Fleas & Ticks)

External parasites such as fleas and ticks are irritating to pet and owner alike, can carry disease, and distract from your cat’s well-being.  Likewise, a host of internal parasites such as tapeworms, coccidia and giardia, can make your friend sick.  We recommend annual screening and year-round continual prevention to inhibit potential outbreaks.

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Cat on bed

Wellness & Preventive Care

During your cat’s annual wellness exam our veterinarians will evaluate his overall health, note potential problems before they get serious, and make recommendations to promote a longer, happier, healthier life.

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cat getting a vaccination


Preventative medicine is a cornerstone of our practice and timely vaccination is a vital component in maintaining your cat’s health. Proper vaccination is critical in warding off and preventing the spread of harmful disease.

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Cat on table


Microchip implantation is a reliable option for permanent, unalterable identification of your companion.  It is safe, easy, and inexpensive.

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